Monday, February 27, 2012

Helpful Tips When Preparing Your Estate Plan

Forbes recently published an article that provides helpful estate planning tips for both those with estate plans in place and those who are just beginning the planning process. The five estate planning tips listed in the article are below:

  • Prepare a will that declares who inherits both financial and nonfinancial assets. Assets that have beneficiary designations may not be governed by a will, so it is important to consult with the appropriate financial institution to determine what rules apply. 
  • A trust can help ensure that certain assets are allocated to cover specific expenses like college and special needs expenses.  
  • Consider using tax-efficient strategies to lower or eliminate the estate and income tax your beneficiaries will owe on their inheritances. These strategies include gifting amounts to beneficiaries and leaving taxable assets to charities while giving tax-free assets to beneficiaries.
  • Life insurance proceeds can be used to offset estate and income taxes. Life insurance proceeds are tax-free, and the entire amount can be used to pay taxes owed by beneficiaries. 
  • One of the best way to create an effective estate plan is to work with an estate planning team. Involving an estate-planning attorney, a tax professional, and a financial advisor can help ensure that the estate plan is the best fit for the size of the estate and the outcome desired.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Not Sure What it Takes to Form a Company?

The thought of forming a small business can be extremely exciting but also very overwhelming.  The truth of the matter is that the American dream of growing a business from the ground up doesn't have to remain a fantasy--it can become reality.  Of course, it's going to take a lot of hard work and, most importantly, research. If you handle it correctly from the onset, your foundation will be made for a very successful business.

Your very first decision should be figuring out exactly what type of business you want to form.  Many entrepreneurs decide to form corporations, which exist as a separate legal entity from their owners and provide a layer of protection for owners when it comes to their personal assets.  The following ten tips should help get you started as you consider the logistics of forming a corporation.

Choose a Business Name.  You'll need to research the specific regulations governing corporate names in your state, and check whether your desired name is available.  Make sure you choose one that is professional, but appealing to consumers.  It's a good idea to have a few alternatives in mind, just in case your top pick is taken.

Appoint Corporate Directors.  Directors play a crucial role in corporations.  They're responsible for making major policy and financial decisions for the business.  Examples of decisions directors typically make include authorizing stock issuance, appointing corporate officers (and setting out their salaries), and approving loans to and from the corporation.  Make sure to select trustworthy people to take on this role!

File Articles of Incorporation.  Once you choose a business name and decide on which directors to appoint, your next step will be to file Articles of Incorporation (or whatever your state calls them) with your state's corporate filing office.  For most states, this responsibility lies with the Secretary of State's office in the state's capital city.  Articles of Incorporation do not have to be complicated or overly involved.  They must, however, specify a few vital details such as your corporation's name, principal office address, the names of its directors, and the name and address of one person who will serve as the company's "registered agent."  Typically, that individual functions as the person who can be contacted in the event someone wishes to serve a lawsuit against the corporation.

Draft Corporate Bylaws.  Bylaws are the internal rules and regulations that will govern the daily operations of a corporation.  Examples include when and where the corporation will hold directors' and shareholders' meetings, and what the voting requirements for directors and shareholders will be.  The corporation's directors typically adopt the company's bylaws at their first board meeting.

Hold First Board Meeting.  Speaking of which, the next step for forming a corporation is holding the first meeting of the Board of Directors.  The purpose for this initial meeting is to handle a few items of official corporate business like setting the corporation's fiscal year, appointing corporate officers, adopting the corporate bylaws, authorizing the issuance of any shares of stock, and adopting an official stock certificate form and corporate seal.  Also, if the corporation is intended to be an S corporation, the Board will approve the election of S corporation status.

Issue Shares of Stock.  Corporations should not conduct any business until they issue shares of stock, which formally divides up the ownership interests in the company.  Simply put, if the corporation wants to be treated as its own legal entity, then it must behave that way, doing business as a corporate entity rather than just an extension of its owners.  The formal requirements must be met in order to qualify for the legal protections offered by forming a corporation.

Securities Registration.  It's crucial that the corporations follow all securities laws when issuing stock.  Fortunately, most small corporations are eligible for exemptions from securities registration.  Typically, those corporations who issue shares to a small number of people (generally ten or less) who will actively participate in running that business will qualify for exemptions to securities registration.  Be sure to research the specific requirements in your jurisdiction, however.

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits.  If you've filed your articles, approved the corporate bylaws, held the first Board of Directors' meeting, and issued stock, you're almost there!  Now you need to obtain all required licenses and permits that all new businesses must acquire (like a business license), along with any extras like obtaining an employer identification number from the IRS, a state seller's permit, or a zoning permit from your local planning board.

Sounds like a lot but it's really not as overwhelming as it seems. Once you've had your attorney (whether internal or external) give the corporation the legal thumbs up, it's official.  Your corporation can open for business and the only thing left to do is have fun growing your company.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Take These Questions into Consideration BEFORE Starting a Business

You are super excited about starting your business. That's fantastic. However, there are some things you should consider, kind of like "preventive medicine".

Have you set goals and a plan for reaching them?

Without a clear idea of where you want to go and how you plan to get there, you may find yourself stumbling through the stages of starting a business and facing unwanted stress and frustration.

One of the most important steps is setting goals that outline what you want to accomplish in the short term (1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc.), as well as over the long term (2 years, 5 years, etc.).

Once you have created your goals, it's time to make sure you have a plan for your business that will guide you along the way. It's also helpful to understand your motivation for starting a business in the first place.

Will I be able to follow my plan without breaking any laws or regulations?

There are a number of legalities that you should consider and explore when starting a business.

  • Deciding on the structure of your business (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company)
  • Registering a business name
  • Obtaining necessary licenses and permits
  • Planning for business taxes
Have you fully considered the financial implications of starting a business?

Money is a major concern when you start a business, especially if you will be leaving behind a steady paycheck and if your business has significant start-up expenses.

Some business financing options to consider to ease the financial transition include starting your business on the side while continuing to work full time, working a part-time job until your business becomes established, waiting to start your business until you have saved up a financial reserve, and borrowing the necessary funds to bridge the gap.

Is your support network in place?

We accomplish very little in life completely autonomously, and the same is true in business. Even if you plan to be a sole proprietor, you can benefit tremendously from creating an external support system to keep you on track.

Your support network may include family, friends, colleagues, a mentor, a coach, and anyone else who can help you navigate roadblocks. When you have an effective support system in place, you will find that you have a cheerleader, consultant, moral support and even a devil's advocate when necessary.

Do you have what it takes to make it as a business owner?

Being a successful business owner requires a unique mix of personality and small business character traits. While there isn't a standard formula that makes one type of person more successful than another, some entrepreneur-friendly personality traits that can ease the process of getting started as a business owner include passion, drive, dedication and self-discipline. And it doesn't hurt to be an effective communicator and someone who is willing to take measured risks.

These questions are likely to spur a few more specific to your situation. Now is the time to consider all of the possibilities ... then you can let your enthusiasm take your dream to the heights you expect.

What mistakes did you make because you simply "Didn't Know What You Didn't Know"? Help others to learn by sharing below.